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Vision, Mission, Values

Animal Guardians for a Prosperous Parma


We speak to end the discrimination that exists in Parma, Ohio, towards people and their canine companions.  By respecting the concerns of citizens, working professionally with the city council, and educating the community, we will create a more prosperous Parma where every individual and family can responsibly raise a loving family member of any canine breed.



To end the breed discriminatory legislation in the city of Parma, Ohio, by dispelling the myth that a specific breed of dog is inherently dangerous and by encouraging the city to follow in the examples of surrounding communities and the entire State of Ohio who now acknowledge every dog is a uniquely raised individual.



       Education:              Dispelling the myth of breed specific legislation with research, statistics, and facts


       Professionalism:     Maintaining intelligent, professional, and well-organized demeanor and decorum through dress, speech, and action


       Respect:                  Respecting the viewpoints of every individual, from elected officials to concerned citizens


       Prosperity:              Creating a more safe, financially responsible, and ultimately prosperous Parma

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